Friday, August 24, 2012

Lucia Camille was born on Sunday, August 12 at 12:39 AM.  She weighed 7 pounds 5 ounces and was 19 inches long.  So far she is an easy baby... nights are rough getting her to stay asleep in her crib; all of my children have been that way though!  She tends to stir and wake up when she needs to burp!

I have now given birth in three very different ways!  An emergency c-section for Josephine... VBAC's (vaginal birth after cesarean) WITH epidurals, drugs and plenty of interventions for Maureen, Veronica and Julian, and a completely drug-free (almost intervention-free... I let them break my bag of waters after I stayed at 9cm for 2 hours!) birth for Lucia!  Yes, it was painful... but manageable.  It was nice to get up and walk to my recovery room afterwards and I really did feel much more alert and able-bodied.

Here are a few pictures of Lucia and others (from my sister's camera).  I have not yet put the pictures from Michael's, Josephine's or Maureen's camera on my computer; I will eventually get to that!  There are TONS more pictures on their memory cards...


 Here's a picture of Lucia:





Julian and cousin, Lauren giving him lots of love!

And a few more of Lucia:

A smiling picture of Julian!   Too bad his eyes were closed, but I wanted to put this one up anyway, because it's so hard to get a picture of him smiling.

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