Thursday, October 25, 2007

man. Veronica JUST fell asleep! She took a late nap while I was playing piano for my Church choir tonight. I brought the kids along while I played - tonight was my first night playing. I enjoyed it, it feels nice putting my skills to use!

Well, I don't have any pictures to take, but over the next few days I probably will. Josephine has an All Saints party to go to (done by the Catholic homeschool group we belong to) this sat., Maureen's birthday is on Sun. (I can't believe she will be 2 years old already!) and then, of course, Halloween on Wed.

Josephine is doing her quarter tests this week - so far she's made 'A's' on everything, and has two more tests to take tomorrow. Maureen is continuing to do well with her alphabet, numbers and shapes. We did a train alphabet puzzle yesterday. Maureen and Josephine had a blast doing it together! Veronica is growing like a weed - she's four months old now! She has been smiling for over a month now, she plays with and studies her fingers, toes and feet, and has laughed only a couple times (once because of Josephine). She can also roll over from her tummy to her back and push herself up partially when she's on her tummy. There, I think I've covered all the baby milestones that we Moms look forward to! I feel so blessed to have normal, healthy children! I'm addicted to "Discovery Health" channel, where I learn about so many abnormalities, sicknesses, ect. in children, it makes me feel more and more grateful to have healthy kids.

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