Saturday, December 29, 2007

Merry Christmas and a happy new year! I'll keep this short for now... We are visiting w/ Michael's parents and HOPE to get to my parents' home soon! We have had a total of 6 illnesses in the past two weeks - Josephine has been sick twice, Maureen three times and Veronica once. Maureen went to the doctor today and her iron is even lower... Michael's granny has been in the hospital for an uncontrollable nose bleed and high BP. AND our van needed a gasket replaced - $895 and 2 days later, it's fixed again. Now we just have to wait for our children to be healthy again so we can go visit my parents!

Christmas day was wonderful and we have tons of pictures, I just haven't had the time to go through them, make the image size smaller and post them. It may be a while before I get to those...

I hope everyone else had a great Christmas! It'll probably be a while before I post again!

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