Sunday, January 10, 2010

Alright - here's about half the pictures... I got the girls dressed up and had them pose the best I could get them to! I'm labeling them so my Mom and whoever else wants copies made, it'll be easier to choose. I'll post more pictures (hopefully) next week - they've already been chosen and downsized. I just need to get the kids in bed - it's past their bedtime, and I know I'll fall asleep when I put them to bed.

Christmas 1

Christmas 2

Christmas 3

Christmas 4

Christmas 5

Christmas 6

Christmas 7

Christmas 8

Christmas 9

Christmas 10

Christmas 11

Santa 1

Santa 2

Santa 3

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love your developmental chart at the top of your blog! First time I've seen it. Nice touch, dear! I read up a little on St Peter Julian Eymard on the internet - he had a special devotion to adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and founded a couple of religious orders. Can't believe how much better I'm feeling right now - took my pain at 8 a.m. and it's now 7:15 pm. I don't know if I'll bother to take one at bedtime or not. No nausea either. Oh, my - I think it's good to suffer a little every now and then - makes you appreciate being well! I'm going to start another novena tonight that you find a nice place to live w/n the next 1-2 months (start packing!). Love you all!~ Mommie