Friday, March 5, 2010

It's a boy!!!

I had an ultrasound this morning and we found out that the baby is a boy!!! I can't believe it!
The ultrasound technician said she's 95% positive (I don't think they'd ever say 100%).
As a person who isn't medically trained I think it's pretty obvious that it's a boy.

Well, I guess I need some blue things! We are most likely going to name the baby Julian James.

If I ever get the extra time, I'll post some pictures of the ultrasound on here... I have a DVD of the ultrasound, too... I get to bring it in every time I have an ultrasound and add to what I have. The file size is WAY too big to put on here, though...

My sister found out last week that she's going to have a girl!!! Funny, my Mom and I both sort of thought she would have the boy, and I'd have the girl! Kathleen and Billy are naming their baby Lauren Louise.

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