Saturday, November 24, 2007

Sorry guys, I haven't posted in a while! Our Thanksgiving day was nice, though it felt strange preparing a large meal for just us! It felt strange not getting together w/ either Michael's or my family. All in all, it was nice... we had turkey, chicken dressing, mashed potatoes, corn on the cob, macaroni and cheese, and dinner rolls. And of course, the kids took a few bites of the corn and bread and said, "I'm full." So the dinner was more or less cooked for Michael and myself!

Here's a couple crafts we did for Thanksgiving. Josephine learned about the pilgrims and the native americans a couple weeks ago in her history lessons.

I don't even remember which day this was... I was surprised to find her asleep on the couch - about an hour and a half earlier than her usual nap time!

I took 11 pictures of Veronica on the couch. In almost every one, she had her eyes closed or squinting, OR eyes wide open w/ no smile! Anyhow, I posted what I thought were the best three.

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